วันอังคารที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2561

I want to lose weight this way for a week.

You want to lose weight and do not really know how to do it? To weight loss permanently, it is better to make some food adjustments and some exercises rather than deprive yourself unnecessarily.

     The basic rules for losing weight
     Cooking to be preferred
     How to lose weight permanently?
     To slim down, determination above all!
Vous pouvez réussir à perdre quelques kilos à deux conditions:. Changer vos habitudes alimentaires et augmenter votre activité physique Si vous ne pratiquez aujourd'hui aucun exercice physique, il ne s'agit pas obligatoirement de faire du sport, mais une marche quotidienne ou un Peu de natation chaque semaine peuvent déjà faire beaucoup.Attention ! Si vous devez perdre cinq kilos ou plus, allez consulter un médecin ou un diététicien car vous avez besoin d'un suivi régulier.Les règles de base pour perdre du poidsPour changer votre alimentation, il faut réduire modérément les apports caloriques, c'est à dire d'abord les matières grasses et les sucres rapides. Il faut absolument respecter les bonnes pratiques alimentaires (voir "Le guide des bonnes pratiques alimentaires") en y Ajoutant quelques règles simples.

Ne pas sauter de repas, surtout le petit déjeuner qui doit rester copieux. Faites un repas léger le soir ;
. Ne ​​rien manger en dehors des repas Si vous avez faim entre les repas, boire un grand verre d'eau, un café ou un thé sans sucre Boire aussi avant le repas et au milieu du repas.;
Continuer à manger des féculents à chaque repas:.. Pâtes, riz, pommes de terre ou pain Ils procurent un sentiment de satiété et apportent l'énergie dont vous avez besoin, ainsi que des fibres En revanche tout ce qui les accompagne est à limiter : sauces grasses, beurre, fromage, crème fraîche, etc. Il faut donc consommer ces féculents seuls ou avec un assaisonnement sans sucre ni sans matières grasses ;
Supprimer les boissons gazeuses sucrées ;
Supprimer les alcools et la bière. Vous pouvez continuer à boire du vin, de préférence rouge, en vous limitant à un verre par jour ;
Eviter de manger hors de chez vous car il est plus difficile de contrôler votre alimentation. Au restaurant c'est parfois possible, chez des amis c'est plus difficile ... Si vous faites un bon repas à plusieurs, il faut alors essayer de diminuer les Quantités et surtout ne jamais vous resservir d'un plat ;
Choisir des viandes maigres et privilégier les volailles, sans la peau, les poissons et les crustacés ;
Attention aux graisses cachées: évitez toutes les viandes en sauce, la charcuterie grasse, les gratins riches en lait, beurre ou crème, gruyère et oeufs, les fritures, les viennoiseries et les pâtisseries, les sucreries et le chocolat, les glaces, les gâteaux Apéritifs ;
Manger des légumes à volonté et sous toutes leurs formes : crus, cuits, en potage ;
Manger deux fruits par jour, mais pas plus ;

Cooking to be preferred

Meats: grilled or roasted;
Fish: grilled, baked or microwaved, or in foil;
Vegetables: steamed, smothered or microwave;
Make the seasonings and sauces the least greasy possible: put some oil, butter or cream, then use lemon, yoghurt, bouillon cube and soy sauce, finally season to taste with herbs and spices.How to lose weight permanently?To lose weight you have to rely on some solid principles:

Give yourself time, at least a month to lose 2 to 3 kilos;
Prevent cravings and fatigue
Stick to the rules set at the start;
Avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
Do not use drugs or special diet foods;
Keep a maximum of pleasure to eat.To slim down, determination above all!While respecting these nutritional rules, to lose weight it is good to know how to choose the least energy foods. It is therefore useful to know roughly the nutritional value of some common foods (see "discover the nutritional value of food").

6 tips to lose weight precisely.

Are weight loss and detox related?

In recent years, the world of fitness is expanding rapidly, both in terms of the number of practitioners and the number of actors.

And when the number of practitioners explodes, the market follows, and must adapt, find new concepts to satisfy all these potential customers 😉

This is how the world of fitness saw the advent of the detox diet, a diet among many others (without fat, paleo, dukan, etc ...).

However, the detox diet is no longer confined to the world of fitness, since even the media, nutritionists and women's magazines talk about it.

So what is this famous detox diet so much touted? What does it consist on ?

Does it really help you lose weight and be healthier?

Whether you're looking for a "quick" and "easy" way to lose weight, boost your vitality, reduce your stress, or improve your overall health, you've surely been convinced by an ad, an article or an acquaintance that the detox diet is THE thing to do.

Just look around you: go for a walk in any store and you will easily find lots of pills, tea or food supplements to "purify" the body.


What exactly is a detox diet?It is here that we notice the first strangeness: there is no clear definition of the term.In fact, each company will give its own definition based on its product range and its alleged effects.The purpose being to capitalize on the very fashionable term "detox" right now.It must be admitted that it attracts: detoxify meaning literally "remove a harmful substance from the body".But it can also say anything and everything: fine particles, ozone, heavy metals, alcohols, drugs, ...These detoxification treatments are carried out in hospitals, in case of medical emergencies, and by trained and equipped personnel.But when it comes to the generalization of detox diets as such, there is no solid scientific basis behind them, just marketing terms that make you dream ...What toxins are actually evacuated? By what processes? What is the real efficiency?All this is a little vague ...

Just look at the different detox products sold by major supplement brands: none give the same definition of the term "detox" and exactly what scientific studies were done to support their claims.

They are content to sway vague explanations and catchy terms to attract their customers.

All of this accompanied, of course, by known fitness girl advertisements telling how this miracle product helped them lose X kilos ... While these girls are fit for 3 years 😉

No wonder, it's marketing, we have the equivalent in bodybuilding: the doped bodybuilder who advises you to take this or that supplement by saying: "That's what helped me" while what really helped him is illegal.

All the hypocrisy of the world of fitness 😉

But hey, that's how the world works. What is needed is just being aware of it and thinking a little more about what is written about packaging and the results that it really brings.

And for that, it is necessary to return to the B.A.BA, to what is proved and which works, for everyone: